Coping with a Loved One with Alzheimer’s

Coping with a Loved One with Alzheimer's

As of July 2024, over 55 million people across the world have been diagnosed with a form of dementia. Dementia can impact several areas of life for those with this diagnosis and their loved ones. It may lead to drastic changes in behavior, affect how often these individuals socialize, lead to trouble with finances, and take a toll on mental and physical health. Grief, stress, and worry are among a few of the prominent feelings that individuals may encounter throughout this adjustment process. While it is never a straightforward process, having a toolbox of coping strategies can help ease the continual coping journey. 

Understanding Alzheimer’s Disease

Gather Information 

When first learning about a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s in a loved one it is essential to equip ourselves with a proper understanding of this diagnosis and how it might impact and change one’s current way of life. As of 2024, there are several resources available that provide information about this neurological condition. While this information gathering process might feel overwhelming, it’s important to have resources available to refer back to throughout this experience to aid in emotional coping.

Informational Resources

  1. Alzheimer’s Association:
    Access a wide range of resources, including educational materials, support groups, and a 24/7 helpline for caregivers.
    Visit Alzheimer’s Association
    This government website provides reliable information for caregivers, including tips on daily care, home safety, and more.


    A practical guide to Alzheimer’s and dementia care, offering advice on managing the challenges of caregiving.
  1. Eldercare Locator:
    A service that helps connect caregivers with local services and support in their area, such as respite care and long-term care options.
    Visit Eldercare Locator 

Emotional Coping Strategies

  1. Acknowledge your feelings 

It is normal to want to complain and have a slightly pessimistic attitude about this experience. Focus on relieving yourself of the guilt that might come with expressing dissatisfaction in regards to your loved one. Find someone who you trust to voice these opinions too. As your loved one’s symptoms worsen, it is valuable to remind yourself that this process of grieving is continual. 

  1. Give yourself permission to be stagnant in your feelings 

Jumping straight back into your day-to-day routine can lead to emotional exhaustion. If you are taking on a role as a caregiver, you must better help yourself to better help your loved one. Remind yourself that intense emotions you might feel in the moment are not permanent. Be sure to give yourself time, space and energy to process and cope with the current situation. 

  1. Focus on your support system 

During this intensely emotional period, it is of utmost importance to surround yourself with others who will be there to boost you up. Looking to family members who may also be struggling with this experience can be beneficial, as you may be able to find comfort in a shared experience. Family members and support groups can all serve as forms of consolation and be beneficial to your journey.

Maintaining your Relationship with your Loved One 

Photo credit:  PIKSEL

  1. Distinguish the disease from the person 

Inevitably one will notice shifts in their loved one’s personality. Therefore you must comprehend that the relationship will also change. This change will be difficult, but – through acceptance – it is possible to redefine and continue forth in this relationship. 

  1. Focus on what has stayed similar within the relationship

Although this individual may not be able to participate in the exact same activities as before, this does not mean they are essentially different. For example, if you and your loved one enjoyed cooking together, finding a task within the cooking that they could partake in can function to reinforce this spark that connects the relationship. Additionally these tasks can provide an ease of intense emotions for all individuals within the relationship.

  1. Adjust your communication methods 

Many individuals with Alzheimer’s can experience issues with communication. They can have difficulty speaking or remembering particular words, which can bring up feelings of frustration. It’s important to remember that these difficulties stem from the disease, not the person. In order to ease communication: 

  • Speak clearly and calmly
  • Express reassurance that you are actively listening and empathy for the frustrations your loved one may be experiencing 
  • Create spaces of security and comfort through familiar objects 
  • Foster two-way dialogue for as long as possible 

Final Thoughts & Key Takeaways

It’s necessary to acknowledge that every individual’s experience in coping with a loved one who has dementia will be different. While many of the coping methods mentioned above can ease the experience, not everything will be relevant in your own experience. Joining a support group and/or seeking your own individual psychotherapy can allow for reflection on what works and what negatively impacts your journey. One can best navigate through this experience through gaining an increased understanding of dementia, developing and utilizing coping skills, and by maintaining a meaningful relationship with loved ones.


This blog was written by Corinna Hall – Summer Intern with California Women’s Therapy.


ADHD Focus Myths

ADHD Focus Myths: What You Need to Know About Hyperfocus

Misconceptions About ADHD and Focus

Many people mistakenly believe that individuals with ADHD are incapable of focusing, this is simply not the case for many individuals with ADHD. Those with ADHD often experience periods of hyperfocus, where their attention on a particular task is so intense that it can be difficult to distract them. While hyperfocus is not listed as a symptom of ADHD within the current version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, its prevalence in those with ADHD is becoming greatly recognized. Hyperfocus can be both a strength and a challenge for those with ADHD. 

The misconception that people with ADHD are incapable of focusing can lead to misunderstandings and underestimations of the capabilities of people with ADHD. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with ADHD, it’s crucial to understand the benefits and challenges of hyperfocus to ensure long term flourishing. 

Photo Credit: andresr

The Positives of Hyperfocus

  1. Enhanced Productivity
  • When engaged in tasks they are passionate about, individuals with ADHD can achieve exceptional results, completing work with high precision and creativity.
  1. Deep Engagement
  • This intense focus allows for a deeper understanding and mastery of subjects, making it beneficial in fields requiring sustained attention.
  1. Flow State
  • Many describe hyperfocus as entering a “flow state,” where tasks feel effortless and enjoyable.

The Challenges of Hyperfocus

  1. Neglect of Other Responsibilities
  •  Hyperfocus can lead to the neglect of everyday tasks and responsibilities, causing issues in personal and professional life.
  1. Difficulty Transitioning
  • Shifting attention from one task to another can be challenging, leading to frustration and time management challenges.
  1. Potential for Burnout
  •  The intensity of hyperfocus sessions can be exhausting, leading to physical and mental fatigue.

Managing Hyperfocus

  1. Identify Attention Grabbers
  •  Through recognizing what activates your hyperfocus, you can take proactive steps to take control of your time 
  1. Set Alarms and Reminders
  •  Use technology to set reminders for breaks and transitions to other tasks.
  1. Structured Schedule
  •  Creating a structured daily routine can help balance hyperfocus sessions with other responsibilities.
  1. Prioritize Tasks
  •  Identify and prioritize essential tasks to ensure critical responsibilities are not overlooked.

If hyperfocus is impacting your daily life, it’s important to take proactive steps. Setting alarms, maintaining a structured schedule, and prioritizing tasks can help you manage your time better. However, if you find it difficult to manage on your own, speaking with a therapist can be incredibly beneficial. Our team of female psychologists at California Women’s Therapy has expertise in working with clients with ADHD and is accepting new clients.


This blog was written by Corinna Hall – Summer Intern with California Women’s Therapy.


Tips for Balancing College with Rehab and Recovery

Tips for Balancing College with Rehab and Recovery

College students are under a lot of pressure, and many students engage in risky behaviors like substance abuse. If you’re a student in recovery, you can get help even while you attend school. It’s important to make sure you have everything you need to lead a healthy life. Creating a good balance between school and recovery starts with taking care of yourself and knowing that you’re not alone. Here are a few ways you can give yourself every opportunity to succeed.

1. Learn how to manage your stress in a healthy way.

Most college students are dealing with new levels of anxiety and stress brought on by the workload of classes and extracurricular activities. It’s easy to see why young adults justify using alcohol and drugs to help them relax or take the edge off the pressures of higher education. However, there are better, more sustainable ways to deal with being overwhelmed by the academic and social aspects of college. Here are some examples of stress prevention and healthy coping mechanisms:

  • Sign up for a manageable class load.
  • Set aside enough study time.
  • Talk to your professor right away if you fall behind.
  • Make time for safe social activities on campus.
  • Prioritize regular exercise to improve mood and stay healthy.
  • Try meditating regularly to unwind and check in with yourself.
  • Get plenty of sleep.

2. Room with someone sober.

Many colleges give students the option of requesting a roommate who is either sober or also in recovery. If you can room with someone on the same page as you about sober living, it’s going to make daily life less stressful. Having a roommate who parties and keeps alcohol or drugs in shared areas might be too tempting or create an environment unsuitable for someone going through recovery. Surround yourself with the kind of people who will help you reach your goals, not hinder your progress.

3. Get involved on campus.

If you’re balancing your schoolwork well and find yourself wondering what to do with your free time, consider taking up a sport or hobby. Join a club that focuses on one of your interests. Not only will this solve the problem of boredom, but being an active member of the school opens opportunities for friendship and a chance to make lifelong memories.

4. Establish and maintain healthy boundaries.

As a young adult in higher education, you want to fit in with your fellow students and make friends, but peer pressure can get the best of anyone and lead down a slippery slope. Establishing boundaries beforehand will prepare you for inevitable awkward situations. Accept that it’s OK to say “no.” Remember, if you constantly find yourself in environments where people who know you’re in recovery still push your boundaries, it’s time to find a new crowd.

5. Seek out safe social spaces.

As fun as it is to go to a party, it’s best to avoid gatherings where drugs and alcohol will be present. There are plenty of other ways to pass time and have fun with friends outside the classroom. For example, many campuses have collegiate recovery programs that put on regular social events for students in recovery. As a two-for-one, you can join a study group for one of your classes and make studying more social and a little more fun.

6. Take care of your mental health.

Issues with drugs and alcohol often go hand-in-hand with other mental health concerns such as anxiety, trauma, and depression. If you or a loved one is interested in exploring treatment, we encourage you to reach out to a licensed professional. Our team would be happy to speak with you about ways we can help.

*This blog post was adapted by Dr. Talia Barach from the following article: Addiction Recovery During Higher Education by Higher Education Team. To read the full article which covers: which substances pose the greatest risks to young adults, the potential consequences of being caught, how to get better, and recovery resources, please use the following link:

Accepting Responsibility for Victim Self-Blame

The intention behind this title isn’t to induce guilt or blame, but to help create accountability for society’s blaming of victims of assault; and every one of us is society. Individualistic societies – such as the one we live in – believe that people are in control of their lives and destinies, and this framework is what allows victim-blaming to flourish. 

What Are We Doing Wrong?

Strange as it may sound, assigning blame to the victim gives people a sense of safety because they believe they won’t be victimized if they act a certain way. If someone gets mugged when walking at night, the automatic thought is that they shouldn’t have been walking at night. When a girl gets raped at a party, people automatically wonder how she was dressed or whether she was intoxicated. The center of focus is on the victim and what they could have done differently, both behaviorally and cognitively. 

When learning of or witnessing acts of intimate partner violence, whether real or fictionalized, the question many ask is, “Why don’t they leave?” As an outside observer, it’s so easy to make judgements and so hard to imagine the host of intricate reasons that survivors have for not leaving, which include the wishes to live and protect their loved ones. We know that the most dangerous time for those experiencing domestic violence is when they attempt to leave (Domestic Violence and Sexual and Abuse, 2022). There are so many wrongs with this question. For one, it implies that the survivor did something to bring on this violence or didn’t do something to stop it. It translates to, “If this person had self-esteem…boundaries…self-respect…they would not let this happen to them” (Fast & Kinewesquao, 2019). 

How Are We Affecting Survivors’ Mental Health?

Victim blaming is the damaging attitude that implies that the survivor of intimate partner violence was in some way responsible for the abuse. Society is bombarding people with negative stereotypes about abuse survivors, including representations in the media, which the survivor then internalizes and believes to be true. Sadly, the disclosure of intimate partner violence can be met with doubt and a blaming response from the survivor’s loved ones, their medical professionals, and the legal system. What ends up happening is survivors internalize the stigma reflected to them by society, which adds to the shame, guilt, confusion, and self-blame that they already feel. Kennedy and Prock (2018) divide self-blame into behavioral, or the feeling that one did not control the situation, and characterological, which makes one’s character responsible for the assault. Behavioral and/or characterological self-blame aggravate guilt and shame, which can cause depression, anxiety, and a worsening of trauma symptoms. 

What Can We Do to Support Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence? 

We can validate their experiences, cognitions, feelings, and behaviors. This means saying things like, “I believe you,” “You did not contribute to this, your partner made a choice to abuse you,” or “Nobody has a right to hurt you physically, emotionally, or financially.” Survivors of domestic violence can become so accustomed to feeling invalidated by the court system, healthcare providers, friends, and family and that reaction contributes to their self-blame and has a lasting impact on their mental health – even changing the structure and function of their brains. However, when we apply principles of compassion and empathy and validate survivor’s experiences, we can help them heal. 

The following resource contains comprehensive information related to domestic violence: warning signs, types of domestic violence, and useful coping strategies/tools. While this information is intended to be helpful, please be aware that its content may be triggering:


This blog was written by Vivianna McKenney – a predoctoral Psychological Associate with California Women’s Therapy. Viviana is currently accepting new clients.


Domestic Violence and Sexual Abuse. (2022, December 31). Helping Survivors of Sexual Assault and Abuse.

Kennedy, A. C., & Prock, K. A. (2018). “I still feel like I am not normal”: A review of the role of stigma and stigmatization among female survivors of child sexual abuse, sexual assault, and intimate partner violence. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse19(5), 512-527

Fast, E., & Kinewesquao, C. R. (2019). Victim-blaming and the crisis of representation in the violence prevention field. International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies10(1), 3-25